
Documentation and stuff about QuickMods

Project maintained by 02JanDal Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

The QuickMod Version object syntax

The QuickMod Version objects can contain the following fields:

Name Type Required? Description
urls object** list yes A list of possible URLs (mirrors)
version string yes A name for this version. See below
name string no This can be used if you use a versioning scheme not compatible with the one outlined below. Set name to "your" version and version to a value compatible with QuickMod versions
references object* list no A list of all dependencies, conflicts etc. etc.
type string no A type of the version, for example Release, Dev, Alpha or Beta.
installType enum no See below
sha1 string no The checksum of the downloaded file
libraries object*** list no A list of libraries required by the mod version

* Object which has the field 'uid' and optionally 'type', 'version' and 'isSoft'. 'version' is a version interval. If it doesn't exist, the latest compatible version will be used. If 'isSoft' is true (default is false) and the 'type' is 'depends' this mod will not be removed when the referenced mod is removed. Make sure to add this to 'references' in the top level of the QuickMod.

** Object with the field 'url' and optionally 'downloadType' and 'priority', which helps the client select a mirror

*** Object with the fields 'name' and optionally 'repo'. The 'name' should be in the format <group>:<artifact>:<version>. 'repo' defaults to Maven Central. If provided, it should be an absolute URL to a maven repository.

Download Type

Possible values of thedownloadTypefield:

Value Description
direct Don't display a browser, just download the URL directly
parallel Loaded at the same time as all otherparallel URLs
sequential Loaded one-by-one, needed by adfly or similar URLs
encoded See Encoded URLS

parallelis the default.

Encoded URLs

It may be possible in the future to encode urls, so that only someone in the possesion of a password can use it. To do so, create a URL object with the 'downloadType' set to 'encoded'. Next, encode the URL (algorithm TBD). Add a hint that tells the user where/how to get the key for decrypting and optionally add a "group" that will be used to detect if two keys are the same (same group = same key) so the user won't have to enter the key every time.

NOTE: This is not implemented in MultiMC and it's only a draft. Do not use, as it will likely break or it may become deprecated due to possible legal issues.

Install Type

Possible values of theinstallTypefield:

Value Description
forgeMod Load using classpath
forgeCoreMod Put into<minecraft>/coremods/
liteloaderMod Save with .litemod extension and load by giving to LiteLoader using a CLI argument
extract Extract at<minecraft>
group Don't download or install anything, except dependencies.

forgeModis the default.

groupis useful for "umbrella" mods. Example: ProjectRed does not contain any files, it just depends on the ProjectRed-* mods.

Reference Type

Value Description
depends The mod must be installed
recommends The mod should be installed
suggests It would be nice of the mod was installed
conflicts The mod cannot be installed
provides The mod can be replaced by the referencing mod

It may be hard to see the difference between depends, recommends and suggests, partly because it's may be very subjective. Example: MFR recommends Buildcraft for power generation, while Railcraft only suggests it, as Railcraft has it's own power generation, and AdditionalBuildcraftObjects depends on it

Interval Notation

Interval notation is a way of describing a set of numbers, or in this case, versions. Leave a or b empty for infinity. Using reverse brackets instead of parenthesis is not supported. Examples:

[1.0.0,)      # 1.0.0 ≤ v
(1.0.0,)      # 1.0.0 < v
(,2.0.0)      #         v < 2.0.0
(,1.9.9]      #         v ≤ 1.9.9
(0.1.0,2.0.0) # 0.1.0 < v < 2.0.0
[1.0.0,2.0.0) # 1.0.0 ≤ v < 2.0.0

A few notes on version naming

Psuedocode for how versions are compared:

function lessThan(string v1, string v2)
  stringlist parts1 = split v1 at '.'
  stringlist parts2 = split v2 at '.'

  while not parts1 and parts2 are empty
    string part1
    string part2
    if parts1 is empty
      part1 = "0"
      part1 = pop from parts1
    if parts2 is empty
      part2 = "0"
      part2 = pop from parts2

    if can convert part1 and part2 to int
      int num1 = part1 to int
      int num2 = part2 to int
      if num1 equals num2
        return num1 lessthan num2
      if part1 equals part2
        return part1 lessthan num2

  return false

This means that subparts at which both versions can be converted to an integer are compared like integers (leading zeros discarded etc.), while if at least one of them cannot be converted to an integer they are compared according to the string comparison of the language in question, meaning 1.10a might be less than 1.9a.


See the QuickMod spec for an example.