
Documentation and stuff about QuickMods

Project maintained by 02JanDal Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

The QuickMod file syntax

File type

JSON file

File ending

.qm, .quickmod or .json are allowed, .qm is prefered and should be used in most cases

The fields

Here's a listing of all fields currently defined

Name Type Required? Description
formatVersion int yes The version of the QuickMod format. Currently 1.
updateUrl string yes This URL should point at itself, and is used for updating it
uid string yes A java package style id of the QuickMod. Has to be globally unique to the QuickMod, and should never change. <author>.<modid> is a good UID, but remember it may never change as long as it's still the same mod!
repo string yes A java package style repository id of the QuickMod. Has to be globally unique to your repository, and never change. Two QuickMods with the same UID and repo are considered exactly equal and will overwrite each other.
versions version list yes A list of versions
name string yes A descriptive, human readable name
modId string maybe* The mod ID of the mod, as used by forge mods. It's the name (as used in the 'name' field in the .json file) if it's a LiteLoader mod.
description string no A description of the mod
license string no The mods license
urls object** no An object of URL types
tags string list no A list of tags that apply to the mod
categories string list no A list of categories that apply to the mod. Tags and categories might often be more or less the same.
authors object*** no Authors that have participated in the creation of the mod
references object**** no A list of all mods that are in some way referenced in the versions file

* Required for forge and liteloader mods

** A type -> URL list map. Types include 'website', 'wiki', 'forum', 'donation', 'issues', 'source', 'icon', and 'logo'. URLs are strings.

*** A role -> author list map. Roles and authors are strings.

**** A UID -> URL map. The URL value should be the same as the updateUrl of that mod. UIDs and URLs are strings.

Reserved UIDs

In order to reduce the amount of fields, several UIDs are reserved and should be special cased by implementations. These include:

These can be used for example as dependencies, but they do not need to be added to the root references object.

These also replace the old mcCompat, forgeCompat and liteloaderCompat fields.


Note: Most URLs etc in the below example won't work

    "uid": "biomesoplenty.BiomesOPlenty",
    "modId": "BiomesOPlenty",
    "name": "Biomes O' Plenty",
    "repo": "github.glitchfiend",
    "description": "Biomes O' Plenty is a mod that is designed to give players a better Minecraft world to explore, and more of a reason to explore it in the first place. There are a lot of realistic biomes, some fantasy biomes, and other cool things we've added to the mod.",
    "urls": {
        "icon": [ "https://rawgit.com/Glitchfiend/BiomesOPlenty/master/icon.png" ],
        "logo": [ "https://raw.github.com/Glitchfiend/BiomesOPlenty/master/logo.png" ],
        "website": [ "http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1495041-" ],
        "source": [ "https://github.com/Glitchfiend/BiomesOPlenty" ]
    "license": "CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0",
    "updateUrl": "https://rawgit.com/Glitchfiend/BiomesOPlenty/master/quickmod.json",
    "tags": [ "Biomes" ],
    "categories": [ "Wordgen", "Biomes" ],
    "authors": {
        "Founder": [ "Forstride" ],
        "Author": [ "Adubbz", "Amnet", "ted80" ],
        "Credits": [ "gamax92", "enchilado", "Tim Rurkowski", "Soaryn", "MineModder2000" ]
    "references": {
        "codechicken.ForgeMultipart": "https://rawgit.com/Chicken-Bones/ForgeMultipart/master/FMP.json"
    "versions": [
            "references": [
                    "uid": "codechicken.ForgeMultipart",
                    "version": "[,)",
                    "type": "depends"
                    "uid": "net.minecraft",
                    "version": "1.6.4",
                    "type": "depends"
            "sha1": "143be69351467fa7ddceaf23ee018b816ef2e702",
            "type": "Alpha",
            "name": "",
            "version": "",
            "installType": "forgeMod",
            "urls": [
                    "url": "http://adf.ly/391097/http://files.minecraftforge.net/BiomesOPlenty/BiomesOPlenty-universal-1.6.4-",
                    "downloadType": "sequential"