Using VLC for a Revue

After having considered it a few times I decided to get myself one of these “blog” thingies. I have no idea yet if and how often I’ll write something here, and it will probably mostly be for my own (future) reference, but it’s worth a try.


As part of graduating there is a tradition of performing a revue for the younger classes at the high school from which I graduated last week. Also almost a tradition is that the graduates start thinking about it less than a week before and thus get very little time to plan it. This year we were earlier though, which meant that we had at least a bit more time to prepare (at least for me who was responsible for the technical part). Of course starting to plan so early resulted in a “we’ve got time, we don’t need to do this yet”-mentality so that we weren’t anywhere close to ready the evening before.

What’s needed?

As probably the most tech-savvy I took it upon myself to take care of the technical parts, like sound and light. Part of that was playing some music and showing some videos at specific parts of... Read more